Tell - определение. Что такое Tell
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Что (кто) такое Tell - определение

Tell Township; Tell (film); Tell (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 545
1) (A; usu. without to) ('to relate') she told the news to everyone; or: she told everyone the news; he told me his name; she told them a story; tell me the truth
2) (D; intr.) ('to be certain') to tell about (you can never tell about people like that)
3) (d; intr., tr.) ('to inform') to tell about, of (he didn't want to tell about the incident; tell me about the game; she told everyone of her success)
4) (d; tr.) ('to ascertain') to tell from (can you tell anything from a quick examination?)
5) (d; tr.) to tell from ('to differentiate') (can you tell one twin from another?)
6) (colloq.) (d; intr., tr.) to tell of (BE), on ('to inform on') (he told on her when the teacher returned; I'm going to tell my father on you)
7) (D; intr.) to tell on ('to affect') (the strain was beginning to tell on her)
8) (H) ('to order') she told me to leave
9) (L; must have an object) ('to inform') we told them that we would be late
10) (Q; must have an object) ('to inform') tell me how to get there
11) (Q) ('to ascertain') can you tell from a quick examination where his injuries are?
¦ verb (past and past participle told)
1. communicate information to.
instruct (someone) to do something.
relate (a story).
reveal (information) in a non-verbal way: the figures tell a different story.
divulge confidential information.
(tell on) informal inform someone of the misdemeanours of.
(tell someone off) informal reprimand someone.
2. determine correctly or with certainty.
perceive (a distinction).
3. (often tell on) (of an experience) have a noticeable effect on someone.
(of a factor) play a part in the success or otherwise of someone or something: lack of fitness told against him.
4. chiefly archaic count (the members of a group).
tell tales gossip about a person's secrets or faults.
tell the time (or N. Amer. tell time) be able to ascertain the time from reading the face of a clock or watch.
tell someone where to get off (or where they get off) informal angrily dismiss or rebuke someone.
there is no telling it is impossible to know what has happened or will happen.
you're telling me informal emphasizing that one is already well aware of or in complete agreement with something.
tellable adjective
OE tellan 'relate, count, estimate', of Gmc origin; related to tale.
¦ noun Archaeology (in the Middle East) a mound formed by the accumulated remains of ancient settlements.
C19: from Arab. tall 'hillock'.
(tells, telling, told)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
If you tell someone something, you give them information.
In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over...
I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked...
Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth...
I only told the truth to the press when the single was released as it seemed the perfect time to do it...
Tell us about your moment on the summit...
Her voice breaking with emotion, she told him: 'It doesn't seem fair'.
VERB: V n that, V n wh, V n n, V n to n, V n about n, V with quote
If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech.
His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke...
He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs...
Will you tell me a story?
VERB: V n, V n to n, V n n
If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it.
A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction...
VERB: V n to-inf
If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something.
'Come on', she told herself...
I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get.
VERB: V pron-refl with quote, V pron-refl that
If you can tell what is happening or what is true, you are able to judge correctly what is happening or what is true.
It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered...
You can tell he's joking.
VERB: no cont, oft with brd-neg, V wh, V that
If you can tell one thing from another, you are able to recognize the difference between it and other similar things.
I can't really tell the difference between their policies and ours...
How do you tell one from another?...
I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez; they all looked alike.
VERB: no cont, oft with brd-neg, V n between pl-n, V n from n, V wh
If you tell, you reveal or give away a secret. (INFORMAL)
Many of the children know who they are but are not telling.
If facts or events tell you something, they reveal certain information to you through ways other than speech.
The facts tell us that this is not true...
I don't think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future...
The evidence of our eyes tells us a different story...
While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we're getting from our diets, the facts tell a very different story.
VERB: V n that, V n amount, V n n, V n
If an unpleasant or tiring experience begins to tell, it begins to have a serious effect.
The pressure began to tell as rain closed in after 20 laps...
You use as far as I can tell or so far as I could tell to indicate that what you are saying is based on the information you have, but that there may be things you do not know.
As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy...
PHRASE [vagueness]
You can say 'I tell you', 'I can tell you', or 'I can't tell you' to add emphasis to what you are saying. (INFORMAL)
I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come...
This little letter gave us a few chuckles, I can tell you...
CONVENTION [emphasis]
If you say 'You never can tell', you mean that the future is always uncertain and it is never possible to know exactly what will happen.
You never can tell what life is going to bring you.
If someone disagrees with you or refuses to do what you suggest and you are eventually proved to be right, you can say 'I told you so'. (INFORMAL)
Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, 'I told you so.'
You use I'll tell you what or I tell you what to introduce a suggestion or a new topic of conversation. (SPOKEN)
I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass.
to tell the time: see time
time will tell: see time
·noun A hill or mound.
II. Tell ·noun That which is told; tale; account.
III. Tell ·vi To give an account; to make report.
IV. Tell ·vt To utter or recite in detail; to give an account of; to Narrate.
V. Tell ·vi To take effect; to produce a marked effect; as, every shot tells; every expression tells.
VI. Tell ·vt To Order; to Request; to Command.
VII. Tell ·vt To make known; to Publish; to Disclose; to Divulge.
VIII. Tell ·vt To give instruction to; to make report to; to Acquaint; to Teach; to Inform.
IX. Tell ·vt To make account of; to Regard; to Reckon; to Value; to Estimate.
X. Tell ·vt To discern so as to report; to ascertain by observing; to find out; to Discover; as, I can not tell where one color ends and the other begins.
XI. Tell ·vt To mention one by one, or piece by piece; to Recount; to Enumerate; to Reckon; to Number; to Count; as, to tell money.
I. v. a.
Number, count, enumerate, compute, reckon, run over, sum up, take an account of, mention one by one.
Relate, recount, rehearse, narrate, describe, report, give an account of.
Disclose, reveal, divulge, confess, betray, acknowledge, own, declare, make known.
Acquaint, teach, inform, apprise, make known to, explain to, instruct, communicate to.
Discern, discover, make out, distinguish, find out.
Express, utter, speak, state, mention, communicate, publish speak of, make mention of.
II. v. n.
Give account, make report.
(Colloq.) Take effect, be effective.
Tell (poker)         
  • Professional poker player [[Annie Duke]]. Eye contact may be a sign that a player is trying to disguise a weak hand.
Poker tell
A tell in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player's assessment of their hand. A player gains an advantage if they observe and understand the meaning of another player's tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable.
Tell Taylor         
  • Helen Julia Godman]].
William "Tell" Taylor (aka Tellie né Tell Roberts;(October 28, 1876 – November 23, 1937). Tell was born October 28, 1876 to Clarinda Jane Roberts (1854-1930) and John Asbury Taylor (1853-1928), on a farm near the Village of Vanlue, Amanda Township, Hancock County, Ohio.
Tell Jemmeh         
  • 400px
Tell Gamma; Tel Gama
Tell Jemmeh (), also known in Hebrew as Tel Gamma (תל גמה) or Tel Re'im (תל רעים), is a prominent mound, or tell, located in the region of the northwestern Negev and the southern coastal plain of Israel, about 12 km south of Gaza, bounded by the kibbutz of Re'im 2 km to the east, and the kibbutz of Kisufim 6 km to the west, and is 9 km east of the Mediterranean coast. The site is located at the confluence of two streams, Nahal Besor and Nahal Gerar.
William Tell (play)         
  • ''Wilhelm Tell'' by Ferdinand Hodler (1897)
Wilhelm Tell (play)
William Tell (, ) is a drama written by Friedrich Schiller in 1804. The story focuses on the legendary Swiss marksman William Tell as part of the greater Swiss struggle for independence from the Habsburg Empire in the early 14th century.
Kiss & Tell (1997 film)         
Kiss & Tell (1996 film)
Kiss & Tell, titled Kiss and Tell on its theatrical release poster, is a 1997 American film directed by Jordan Alan. It was made largely through improvisation.



Tell may refer to:

  • Tell (archaeology), a type of archaeological site
  • Tell (name), a name used as a given name and a surname
  • Tell (poker), a subconscious behavior that can betray information to an observant opponent